MultiversX Dapp Template
xDevGuild GitHub
Here is the demo of an MultiversX dapp for interactions with the blockchain and smart contracts. It provides four different ways of authentication and also a couple of React-based helpers/hooks. It is based on NextJS and uses JS SDK (sdk-core). It also uses Shadcn UI and Tailwind CSS.
We have hardcoded a setup for five different operations to simplify things. These are:
  • - Simple EGLD transfer to hardcoded address.
  • - Simple Mint operation on Elven Tools demo minter smart contract.
  • - Random query operation on the Elven Tools demo minter smart contract.
  • - Simple smart contract deployment
  • - Signing a mesage
It is to demonstrate how such things can be achieved without much development. Maybe later, we will come up with a much better demo dapp.
For more examples please check the app. Check the source at xDevGuild.
1. You will be sending 0.001 EGLD to the address:
Connect your wallet!
1. You will be sending 1 BUILDO-22c0a5 to the address:
erd17a4w...kss0g50f (devnet)
You can get some Buildo tokens here:
Connect your wallet!
2. You will be minting one NFT using Elven Tools smart contract:
(devnet, max 10 NFTs per address)
Connect your wallet!
3. You will be querying the smart contract for NFT tokens left to mint:
erd1qqqq...es3956pv (devnet)
You will be deploying a Piggy Bank simple smart contract.
Connect your wallet!
You will be signing a hardcoded message: ElvenFamily
Connect your wallet!
Now let us see what other valuable tools are included.
You can get the data of currently logged-in users and network state. These are:
  • - User data such as: address, nonce, balance.
  • - User logging in state: pending, error, loggedIn.
  • - Login info state: loginMethod, expires, loginToken, signature.
User data:
address: -
guardian: -
nonce: 0
balance: -
Login info state:
expires: 0
Logging in current state:
isLoggingIn: false
error: -
isLoggedIn: false
You will also get a couple of other tools, like:
  • - Authenticated component - wrapper to check the auth state
  • - LoginComponent - component with 3 auth options
  • - LoginModalButton component - ready to use modal with LoginComponent
  • - You will get all tools from useElven
  • - Preserved app state after hard refresh of the page
  • - And of course Shadcn UI, Tailwind CSS and NextJS framework
Better docs, and more improvements soon!
Check the xDevGuild
MultiversX NextJS Dapp Template (v10.0.0)
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